Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is it the end or a new beginning?

For last few weeks Libya has been the center of the attention as their domestic peace was intercepted thanks a rebellion. Where a domestic war going on between the  
Muammar el-Qaddafi who took the power 40 years ago and till then ruling the country as a dictator, where on the other hand the people of Libya have raised for their rights. And in this raise countries like England, France, and U.S. have became the allies of the people. And according to NY times all of the allies have come together to made the decision of removing Qaddafi from the power. Although it didn’t stared with that aim as said in the times, soon after the leaders of the countries saw no other way but to remove him. Even though like most of the people I am happy with that decision but I also have my concern. There are many questions in my mind such as who going to replace him? How that will play out about the oil condition? But I guess I have to wait because only person who can answer is time.  


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ecology energy and economy

Ecology, energy and economy, they are the most used word in News. Mainly they are used to describe the situation in Japan. Ecology, the Mother Nature’s brutal cruelty faced by Japan shocked the world. Where they faced a 8.9 earthquake and a tsunami. Which lest Japan in ruins. Energy is the most used as nuclear power plant are under a threat. As a result the whole is now aware of the radiation along with the health problem that comes with it. Not to forget radiation is also very harmful from the environment as if the never disposable waste of the plant wasn’t enough. And all of this for energy, luxury and money. For me it raise the question is by modernization are we increasing the level of living of shooting ourselves in the foot? What you guys think about the Nuclear power point in Japan considering in NYC we have one on the fault line.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Disastrous opportunity

Oil, is the infrastructure of the no.1 oil consumer country in world U.S. Although because of the situation in Lebanon who produces 2% of all the oil need of the world. And because of rebellion which grab the attention of the world by storm, every one thought the price of the oil going to increase.  But surprising enough the price decreased even though it came at a terrible cost. The reason of the decreasing price is the tsunami in Japan.  Yeah, as the no. 3 on the ranking of consumer of oil in the world when Japan faced the disaster, 8.9 earthquake and the tsunami shocked the whole world. As the same time it decreased the demanded of oil in Japan and the affect. Well, it send the price of the oil below $100 for a barrel from over $113 per barrel. It was totally unexpected. Although it might sound devilish but I think U.S. going to take advantage of it and it will improve the economic condition here. What you think? do you agree or not and why?