Saturday, March 12, 2011

Disastrous opportunity

Oil, is the infrastructure of the no.1 oil consumer country in world U.S. Although because of the situation in Lebanon who produces 2% of all the oil need of the world. And because of rebellion which grab the attention of the world by storm, every one thought the price of the oil going to increase.  But surprising enough the price decreased even though it came at a terrible cost. The reason of the decreasing price is the tsunami in Japan.  Yeah, as the no. 3 on the ranking of consumer of oil in the world when Japan faced the disaster, 8.9 earthquake and the tsunami shocked the whole world. As the same time it decreased the demanded of oil in Japan and the affect. Well, it send the price of the oil below $100 for a barrel from over $113 per barrel. It was totally unexpected. Although it might sound devilish but I think U.S. going to take advantage of it and it will improve the economic condition here. What you think? do you agree or not and why? 

1 comment:

  1. i really think the same as you ... US might really going to take the advantage and make their economic better.
